Is Content Still King? (don’t forget your products & services)

Categorized as Branding, Business, Marketing, Opinion, Sales

In the mid-90s, Bill Gates coined a term that would shape the trajectory of marketing for decades. “Content is King,” he declared, emphasizing the role of great messaging in business communication.

Does this still hold true today?

This term came at a time when companies had fleets of door-to-door salespeople selling out of their car trunks and floors of office call centers doing outreach through literal phone books. Also known as “telemarketing”.

Fast forward to today, and while content remains influential, there’s a seismic shift towards authenticity and genuine value.

No one buys a life-changing product or service and doesn’t
tell all their friends and family about it.

Wake Up, Everyone Has the Internet

It’s not just your words. It’s the words of your entire market.

With a few keystrokes, people can check out your competition, read reviews, watch YouTube, and even interact with other people. 

Search engines and social media have democratized information, placing immense power in the hands of consumers.

This digital empowerment means that consumers are no longer passive recipients of marketing messages. They actively seek, scrutinize, and share information. 

Connection isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a necessity.

Marketing is a Communication Tool, Not a Magic Wand

Historically, marketing has served 1 key purpose. 

As the title suggests, marketing is for gaining market share. Real-world data points prove this with metrics like audience size and brand reach. 

Businesses that understand this purpose use marketing to amplify their offering’s inherent value, not to inflate its worth artificially. 

It’s worth considering that no amount of clever content and messaging can promote something to an audience group that doesn’t want what you’re offering.

A Missed Human Connection in a Digital World

Even in our tech-driven age, business remains a fundamentally human endeavour. 

Behind every online review, social media share, or purchase is a person with emotions, aspirations, and concerns. Brands that recognize and cater to this human element differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. 

It’s so much more than just offering a product or service; it’s about building relationships, understanding needs, and fostering trust. Remember, 

People do business with people, not faceless entities and brands.

But Wait, It’s Not Like Content is Dead

I know what you’re thinking. It might seem like content has taken a backseat. But that’s far from the truth. Content remains a powerful tool—it’s just too heavily leaned on, and the insights show this.

Educating the Consumer: In a world overflowing with options, consumers often seek guidance. Well-crafted content can educate potential customers, helping them make informed decisions. 

Whether it’s a blog post detailing the benefits of a product, a tutorial video, or an infographic comparing different solutions, the content’s job is to enlighten and inform, not act as a series of ads.

Engaging and Nurturing: Every visitor to a website or engagement on a social media page happens because someone is interested in you. 

Content serves as a bridge, engaging potential customers and nurturing them through the buying cycles, not a replacement for sales initiatives.

SEO and Visibility: Let’s not forget the technical side. Quality content that’s optimized for search engines, ensures that you remain visible when real people start searching for problems that you can solve.

Closing Thought

I don’t think anyone can argue that the digital age has reshaped how business is done. While content laid the foundation for the digital revolution, it’s not a replacement for directly speaking to your audience. Today’s market dynamics clearly demand more, and some companies are missing out.